Fairphone 2 is Getting Android 10 and Fairphone 3 is Getting Android 11 – Beta Testing Begins

Fairphone is a popular name in the smartphone industry that develops phones with recycled materials, causing a lower impact on the environment. The phone maker has announced the beta testing of Android 10 for Fairphone 2 users, meaning the Fairphone 2 will be getting 7 years of software support — a rare thing to be seen on Android phones. The 6-year old phone will soon be upgraded to Android 10.

While the beta testing of Android 10 for Fairphone 2 begins today, the company has also announced the beta program for Fairphone 3 and 3+ users. The Fairphone 3 and 3+ phones will be getting Android 11, and the beta testing will start this week. Soon, the Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+ will be upgraded to Android 11. The company says that they aim to release the public update in early 2022 for its 6-year old devices. Fairphone 2 users can now join the beta program for Android 10. Here’s how to join the beta testing of Android 10 for Fairphone 2.

How to Join Beta Program for Fairphone 2, Fairphone 3

As of now, beta testing is available only to the Fairphone 2 users. However, Fairphone 3 and 3+ users will also start receiving the beta update of Android 11 this week. The process to join the Fairphone beta program is the same. Here’s how to join:

  1. First of all, log into the Fairphone forum. If you’re new to the forum, you can sign up here.
  2. Once you’ve logged in, click on your profile picture and note down your username in the top right corner.
  3. Next, send an email to beta[at]fairphone.com by mentioning your forum username and a short motivation.
  4. That’s it. Now Fairphone will evaluate your request and add you to the beta users group on the forum.

In the forum, you will be able to browse a beta section where the version currently under testing will always be pinned to the top.

 Note that this firmware is beta and therefore may contain errors. So, it’s recommended that only experienced users participate in the beta program.

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