Masters of the Universe celebrates He-Man’s Magical Girl makeover with Kevin Smith’s new Netflix series

The new Kevin Smith animated series for Netflix Mattel Television has come up with a new entry in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

The story continues the original storyline from the 1980s celebrated animated series and builds on the same. However, other things such as the writing and story of the series are entirely different from the 1980s series.

The changes are most noticeable when comparing He-Man itself. While the original 1980s transformation sequence seeks out the power of Greyskull and transforming him and Cranger with a flash of light.

The new series Masters of the Universe: Revelation has changed this sequence with Adam and shows his new muscles along with his new He-Man customer, just like Magical Girl Transformation from Sailor Moon.

While the older series did not show any difference between Prince Adam and He-Man, the new series show’s Adam transforming into some godly hero with both being muscular.

If you are interested in watching the show, you can watch the first five episodes on Netflix. Following the debut, Netflix says,

Smith and company really dive headfirst into the history of Eternia with this new series, exploring a lot of territories that are sure to satiate die-hard fans while also helping to bring in new viewers…At its heart, Masters of the Universe: Revelation is a love letter to the world of Eternia from Kevin Smith and crew, and it’s one that’s most assuredly worth reading.

Do you like the new transformation sequence of He-man? Let us know in the comment below!

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