Is the new episode of Rick and Morty Season 5 crossing too many boundaries?

Rick and Morty, a series created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland have always gone with the most outlandish plotlines and this time too they have not let us down in that department. 

The new episode “Rickdependence Spray” is the 4 th episode, in season 5 of the Rick and Morty series, a show about a mad, alcoholic scientist and his not-so-bright grandson. 

The episode’s bizarreness starts with Morty and his overly sexual tendencies. Where he uses the machine that collects reproductive material of horses for his own benefit and ends up giving birth to “Space Sperms”, thanks to the genius of his grandfather. 

When these space sperms wage a war on human civilization, that is when the story gets even more interesting. With incestuous fertilization of a space egg, some gender politics, horsemen pregnancies, and Morty’s incessant tries on keeping this shameful act under wraps is a package with boundaries that have never been crossed before. 

Rick and Morty’s newest episode, has left the audience in confusion and shock. With so many things happening in 30 mins, one cannot be blamed for feeling such confusion. 

In conclusion, an adventure-filled episode is yet delivered by the show. You don’t need to put together many brain cells to get through the episode. Some jokes are highly relatable, one of my favorites is by the president when he stops summer from blasting the incest space baby by saying “ That is a human life, and this is an election cycle”. 

Let us know what you feel about the episode as well. Were your boundaries also breached by the bizarreness of this episode? Was this a gross episode or are you used to the wildness of Rick and Morty episodes? 

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