Paris Jackson says she is happy her suicide attempts failed

Paris Jackson, the only daughter of the iconic King of Pop Michael Jackson, is making headlines every day. In a recent statement, she said that she is grateful that her previous suicide attempts failed.

According to Paris, she is now in a different and better state of mind than she was during her teenage years. Jackson, 23, said that she had tried to end her life several times in her past. She even felt annoyed by the fact that she couldn’t end it even after trying so many times. But now she says she is happy to be alive.

Many people feel remorse when they attempt suicide. Like a last minute regret. There have been times when I felt it, others that I didn’t. Where was I upset that it didn’t work out. But I can say several years later that I am truly grateful that I didn’t. Things have improved. 

Jackson said that she was harassed online, cyberbullied and was told by several people to kill herself on a daily basis. All this left her depressed. She added,

And I think a lot of that was not knowing who I was, being a young girl going through puberty and probably a lot of my situation and a lot of pressure. It was very difficult. And people told me to kill myself every day. And I was depressed.

Even at school, she was bullied and tried to end her life several times. Eventually, the “Space Between ” star said she had concluded that it was not her time to die yet. In an episode of “Red Table,” she told Willow Smith,

“Initially I think it was – it’s kind of kinky, the radical acceptance that it shouldn’t be.”

So it’s just a radical acceptance of, ‘When it’s my time, it will be my time,’ and I’ll wait until then. And while waiting, I have found more joys in life and more ways to cope and more ways to really live instead of just existing. 

She also said she was suffering from PTSD. However, she is now in the healing process.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can greatly affect every aspect of your life. I have started the healing process.

We are glad that Paris Jackson failed while attempting to end her life. She is walking in her late father’s footsteps and is trying to be a musician.

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