World of Tanks Modern Armor Rolls Out With Iconic Tanks, New Maps, and More: Check Out the Gameplay Footage

World of Tanks has probably been the most popular free-to-play game. On Tuesday, April 27th, the iconic game released its newest evolution — World of Tanks: Modern Armor for Xbox and PlayStation. Now you can fight across three time periods of the Cold War, use the modern armor, and command iconic tanks of the nuclear age. Not just this, the new game also brings new maps, new models, new consumables, and more.

The leading combat vehicle shooter has crossplay available on PlayStation 4 and 5 and Xbox Series S, X, and Xbox One. It’s available to millions of console players across the globe. What’s new in the latest update of World of Tanks is the addition of modern combat. This has been rolled out for the first time in the game’s history that brings new, fast-paced gameplay to the forefront. Alongside the modern advanced late 20th century tanks, players can also explore added features including the new maps, models, and consumables, an era-based matchmaker, and 3D commanders.

World of Tanks: Modern Armor Gameplay

In First Strike, two powerful alliances — The Western Alliance and The Eastern Alliance — will come forth in the premiere episode that launches with the release of the Modern Armor saga. Both of these groups carry a combined total of 18 tanks with the Western Alliance rolling in with true American power featuring its modern armor. The Eastern Alliance comes into battle with sturdy, Soviet force. There are also two premium tanks that players can use to boost their modern tank collections. Check out the World of Tanks: Modern Armor gameplay in the video below.

Apart from the new tanks, the new evolution of the game also brings perk-filled 3D commanders and new, innovative consumables. The game also introduces new eras, allowing players to explore 50 years of the Cold War. The eras have been divided into three separate periods, beginning in the 1950s and onwards. These three time periods include Post War, Escalation, and Detente. Alongside this, four new maps have also been launched. The locations span from Germany, Norway, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

The game is now available for all console users, including the PlayStation and Xbox owners.

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