Meet Zoom Escaper: A New App That Lets You Escape Boring Zoom Meetings by Playing Unbearable Sounds

Have you ever felt bored while on a Zoom meeting and wanted to escape it but you couldn’t? Well, finally, we have something called Zoom Escaper, a new web-based app that allows you to play some unbearable and irritating sounds while on a Zoom meeting. Developed by Sam Lavigne, an app developer, the solution lets users escape boring Zoom calls in an awkward, but perfect manner.

First reported by TheVerge, the free web widget allows users to add fake audio effects to a Zoom call. The irritating sound effects are so annoying for other meeting participants that they might end the call. It is said to be a potentially helpful tool for people to “escape Zoom calls and do less work.” Zoom Escaper features a wide range of audio effects that users can choose from to annoy the participants and disturb the Zoom call. These range from the scraping sound of a choppy network connection to the broken-up words and incomprehensible gibberish.

Zoom Escaper Features, Audio Effects, and How to Use

Like said before, Zoom Escaper is a web-based application, so users can open it in any of their web browsers. This new app allows you to choose from a variety of annoying audio effects and apply them to an ongoing Zoom call. You can choose from a range of audio effects including sounds like a crying baby, the incessant barking of a dog, a man weeping loudly, continuous construction sounds, and more. These sounds are aimed to annoy the Zoom call participants so much that they themselves would prompt you to leave the call or will kick you out of the meeting.

Lavigne, the creator of the Zoom Escaper web app, has reportedly also worked on various other similar projects. These projects are termed by him as “deliberate slowdown, reducing productivity and output, self-sabotage, etc.” For this new tool, he has also created a video tutorial on YouTube, demonstrating its working and how to use it. To use Zoom Escaper, all you need to do is go to and choose the audio effects you want to bombard your Zoom call with. But before this, make sure you set up the app correctly by downloading a piece of software on your computer, which is available on the app itself.

You can watch the video tutorial posted by developer Lavigne on YouTube to learn how to set up and use Zoom Escaper to escape Zoom calls.

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