How to Unlock A Permanently Locked Snapchat Account in 2022

Unlock Snapchat Account

Did you desperately want to post a Snapchat story on your profile after a long period of being inactive from the online platform, but only to find that the Snapchat Support team permanently locked your Snapchat Account and there is no alternate way to unlock your account? If you find yourself in this scenario, you have arrived at the right place to get your solution. Throughout this article, we will explore several methods on how to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account.

Before moving on, it is important to mention that Snapchat has made great strides into the modern world of social media and has held onto its ground through unique features, such as Lenses & Filters, automatic deletion of Snap Messages, Geofilters, AR models, community filters and so on.  Since its launch in 2011, Snapchat has become a popular social media platform with millions of users throughout the globe. The platform has gone a long way since its inception in 2011, and it continues to surprise and thrill its users by constantly introducing new features (such as Snapchat Streaks).

But these social networking apps come with their fair share of bugs, such as the Tap to Load error, messages not sending with pending status, and iPhone app crashes. Thousands of Snapchat users began getting notifications a few months ago informing them that their accounts had been temporarily or permanently deactivated. This sparked an outcry on social media, with many Snapchat users claiming that their accounts were permanently frozen for no reason and that they had done nothing to warrant such a draconian punishment.

Even though viewing this message is not pleasant, you have numerous options to access the unlock Snapchat account option. So, in this post, we’ll teach you how to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account.

Why Snapchat Locked My Account Permanently?

Before looking for ways to unlock Snapchat accounts, you must first determine why it was locked in the first place, which is the first step. According to the Snapchat support website, the following are some of the most typical causes for a permanently locked Snapchat account:

1. You’ve added many friends without verifying your email address or phone number. This is classified as “strange behavior” by the app, and Snapchat can keep your account blocked due to this.

2. Snapchat has terminated your account because you have participated in abusive activity, such as sending spam or breaching Snapchat’s Community Guidelines. The following things are restricted in their guidelines:

3. You are accessing or using Snapchat via the use of an illegal third-party app or plug-in – It may be tempting to add some more functionality to your Snapchat account by using applications such as Snapchat++ or SnapTools, but doing so may expose your account to hackers and may result in Snapchat locking you out of your account entirely.

4. You’re attempting to log in using a device that has been blocked – You may not be able to simply create a new account and log in using the same device if your Snapchat account was previously deleted for breaching the app’s Terms of Service or Community Guidelines in a “severe instance,” according to the company. The device will be banned from all Snapchat platforms

5. Snapchat thinks you’ve been hacked; therefore, you’ve been warned – It’s possible that your account has been hacked, and you haven’t broken any rules to cause a lockout. Your Snapchat account may be vulnerable to hacking via spam, reminders to keep signing in, and unauthorized contact additions. You may also get warnings that someone has used another device to check-in. These are all red flags that your Snapchat account has been hacked. Snapchat may have restricted your account as a precautionary step after seeing suspicious behavior (such as the aforementioned).

How to Unlock Your Snapchat Account?

All the above factors play a contributing role in the locking of your Snapchat Profile, and after analyzing these factors, we have found several fixes to help you unlock Snapchat accounts in a hassle-free manner. Snapchat might place two types of restrictions on your profile – temporary and permanent. Fixing a temporary ban is easy, and you can access the Snapchat account within a day after completing the verification methods instructed by the Snapchat ban mail. On the other hand, a permanent ban is difficult to lift. But through our article on how to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account, we will show you unique ways to raise the permanent restriction and make sure that your account is not banned again.

1. Contact the Snapchat Support Team:

When an issue has occurred with your Snapchat account, it is better to report it to the Snapchat Support Team first-hand before trying other methods. Customer Care service has become more reliable in modern times, and your Snapchat Support request will be verified by real people and not by an automatic reply system, so try to be as genuine as possible. But in the case of a permanently locked Snapchat account, you need to follow some extra steps to unlock Snapchat accounts faster, which are included in the procedure below:

2. Remove Snapchat Plugins and Third-Party Snapchat Apps

Snapchat plugins and third-party Snapchat apps might elicit you into downloading them with exciting features like snooping into someone else’s Snapchat account, deleting messages saved by a recipient, downloading Snapchat stories, giving new Snapchat filters, etc. In such cases, you must delete these extra applications before contacting the Snapchat support team to unlock your Snapchat account.

To avoid a long-term ban, you should not access your Snapchat account until you remove the plugins and apps that may have been responsible for Snapchat suspending your account in the first place. To remove these apps:

3. Reinstall the Snapchat App

You can reinstall the official Snapchat if you want to unlock Snapchat accounts locked permanently. Clearing the App Data and Reinstalling it will remove any buggy app settings that might be the reason for your locked Snapchat account. Follow the steps below to reinstall the Snapchat App:

4. Reset your Android or iPhone device

If you are wondering how to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat Account where your device has been blocked by Snapchat, the answer is resetting your mobile phone. Resetting your Android or iPhone device will reset the device ID and remove any buggy application. Note: All the installed applications and device settings will be lost in this procedure, so remember to perform appropriate backups.

iPhone devices follow a separate Hard Reset procedure, and you can follow the attached link to know more.

5. Use the Snapchat Unlock Website

You might want to check out the official Snapchat Unlock website on a web browser of your choice on a desktop and find if the procedure helps in unlocking your Snapchat Account:

6. Create a New Snapchat Account

If none of the above methods helped you unlock your Snapchat permanently locked account, then it is safe to assume that your account is beyond recovery. In that situation, you have to create a new Snapchat account using an email address and mobile number different from the previous one. Follow the steps below to create a new Snapchat account on your phone:


How to stop Snapchat from locking my account in the future?

Consider these points to prevent Snapchat from locking your account in the future needlessly and unexpectedly:

How long does a permanent lock last on Snapchat?

The permanent lock on your Snapchat account might last indefinitely if you don’t contact the Snapchat support team soon enough. Make sure to contact them ASAP, otherwise, your account will remain locked forever.

How long does it take to unlock a locked Snapchat Account?

After contacting the Support Team by Snapchat, it might take you 1-2 days to get their response, and if you follow their instructions quickly and provide supporting credentials, your Snapchat account will be unlocked then and there.

How do you recover a deleted Snapchat Account?

There exist no direct procedure to recover a deleted Snapchat Account. If the account was temporarily deleted, you can recover it by logging in again using your old email address and password. If it has been permanently removed from Snapchat’s database, then no recovery is possible.

Bottom Line

That’s all we have to offer in this article and we hope you got enough guidance on How to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat Account. Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know which of the above-mentioned methods helped you to unlock Snapchat accounts. Cheers!!

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